Help us break our Ambassador record!
Why are ambassadors important?
People are much more likely to give when asked by a friend or family member. Help us reach every sister this milestone year.
Why become an ambassador?
What's in it for you?
Dollars and number of gifts raised via your unique ambassador link will be totaled and ambassadors who reach certain milestones will receive great Gamma Phi Bet swag.
Ambassador How-To
What does an ambassador do?
Before March 25: Identify who to contact, send save the date messages.
On March 25 and 26: Share unique giving link, post graphics, encourage Gamma Phi Beta sisters from all over to make a gift!
We want as many collegiate chapters represented as possible!
As ambassadors sign up, we'll list their collegiate chapter below.
Don't see your chapter? Sign up today! Chapters are encouraged to have multiple ambassadors to reach the maximum number of sisters.
The more sisters we reach equals more support the Foundation can give to our Sorority!