Help us reach 1,000 donors!

Choose from 8 campaigns to direct your gift. Even if the match has been unlocked, you can still contribute to the campaign of your choice! 

State Challenges

Colorado Challenge

Help us unlock an additional $5,000 when 85 donors living in Colorado make a gift. This generous challenge is presented by Margaret Roath (Colorado-Boulder) and Ginny Hammond (Colorado-Boulder).

North Carolina & South Carolina Challenge

Help us unlock an additional $1,500 when 40 donors living in North or South Carolina make a gift. This generous challenge is presented by Heather Swindells (Clemson).

Texas Challenge - Match Unlocked!

Help us unlock an additional $1,000 when 86 donors living in Texas make a gift. This generous challenge is presented by Emily Lerch (Texas A&M-College Station)